Vanessa Wood, Legacy Project Team’s Genealogist on Podcast

The Journeys in Genealogy Podcast recently interviewed our Legacy Project USA team genealogist, Vanessa Wood. The podcast features unique approaches to genealogical projects. Vanessa discusses her book Pryor Wives: Stories of Family, Fortune, and Fiasco. Vanessa is a tenacious genealogist–like a dog with a bone!– who looks deep into the records to extract fascinating hidden …

We Love You, Colleen

It is always a sad and sentimental moment when one of our Legacy clients passes. This is especially true with the passing of the sweetest and happiest lady we know – Colleen Plantinga. Colleen’s favorite song was “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “Oklahoma” and her phenomenal daughter Prill Boyle, …


When YOU turn 100 years of age, give us a call and we will celebrate the moment with you. Our newest 100 year-old client celebrated her birthday with great glee and lots of family and The Legacy Project USA team was there to document the event. The results were spectacular and this is what her …

Legacy Project USA – at Contacts and Compacts on June 30

The Legacy Project USA (that would be Suzanne and Rozanne) is the featured speaker at the June 30 gathering of Cathy Moore’s monthly connecting party, “Contacts and Compacts”, Located at Anthony’s by the Lake in Danbury, Contacts and Compacts always features fascinating women doing fun and fascinating things – like us. Bring your lady …