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Legacy Project USA – at Contacts and Compacts on June 30

The Legacy Project USA (that would be Suzanne and Rozanne) is the featured speaker at the June 30 gathering of Cathy Moore’s monthly connecting party, “Contacts and Compacts”, www.contactsandcompacts.com. Located at Anthony’s by the Lake in Danbury, Contacts and Compacts always features fascinating women doing fun and fascinating things – like us. Bring your lady friends for dinner, socializing, networking, and entertainment. I guess you can bring the guys, too.

Have no doubt – you have a unique story to tell. How do we know that? Because you are the only person alive who can tell your story the way it should be told. If you leave it to someone else to tell your story, it won’t get done.

Now is the time to consider booking us for your Legacy Project. Here is a recent testimonial:

“When my ninety-three year old father was interviewed for the Legacy Project, I was deeply touched by the experience. My father is a very private man and I was not sure that he would even agree to participate. Therefore, I left that part up to Rozanne! He responded to her open, loving and enthusiastic nature, and I was thrilled to see him willingly and joyfully join her for the interview. He opened up like a flower in full bloom, cried, shared many of his joys and sorrows, and words of wisdom that I will cherish forever. I learned things about my father that I never knew before. Rozanne and Suzanne have a very special way with people and are so very generous to share their gifts with others.”

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