Thane Grauel, Executive Editor of the Westport Journal, was in attendance at the Westport Library on July 9, 2022 for the Book Launch Party of Christian J. Trefz’s book “The Right Side of the Hamburger.” Thane is an astute writer and his article is on the mark. Read it here.
The Legacy Project USA at the Westport Library
Dan Woog, creator of the very popular blog, added The Legacy Project USA to a recent blog post: The Westport Library’s soaring, flexible and well-used indoor space is called the Trefz Forum. Most people who enjoy the pyramid seating, giant screen and state-of-the-art sound system have no idea who Christian J. Trefz — the …
The Legacy Project USA at Maplewood
Thanks to Channel 12 News for this report for “Humans of Maplewood”
The Legacy Project USA on the News!
Thanks to Channel 12 News for covering The Legacy Project USA!
View the excerpts:
Two Italian Sisters – a Legacy Project
Their nephew had the idea – do a Legacy Project and bring his two Italian aunts (one is 85, the other 88) together so they can finally tell their story on film. That way all the kids and grandkids and great-grandkids can hear them. And oh, yes, let’s have a lot of food. So the …
“The Stories That Bind Us” in The New York Times
Twice in one week The New York Times printed articles about the work we do here at The Legacy Project USA. This particular article is important to each and every person everywhere because it confirms how important family traditions, stories, and narratives really are to our well-being. The last paragraph of the article states, “The …
Colleen Plantinga Talks About Early Westport, CT
Born in West Virginia, Colleen Plantinga is a Westporter now. Her daughter, Prill Boyle, graduated from Staples High School and is a well-known author, “Defying Gravity” being the title. Listen to Colleen talk about early downtown Westport. Colleen and Prill
Ed and Fidel
Ed Johnson spent the night at the home of Fidel Castro, in Cuba, in the late 50’s. But let Ed tell the story: Ed Johnson Fidel castro story
It Just Gets Better
The Legacy Project USA is all about quality: offering the best possible product being created by the best possible people. Suzanne Sheridan’s photographic work is exceptional by anyone’s standards, Rozanne Gates’ interviewing skills have been affirmed in the results of the many Legacy Project interviews she has completed, and now the Legacy Project USA is …